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CARINA: a near-Earth D-type asteroid sample return mission

T.M. Ribeiro, A. D’Ambrosio, G.J. Domínguez Calabuig, D. Athanasopoulos, H. Bates, C. Riegler, O. Gassot, S.B. Gerig, J.L. Gómez, N. Huber, R. Seton, T.E.C. Magalhães

Acta Astronautica Vol. 212, pp. 213 - 225


D-type asteroids are among the most primitive small bodies of the solar system. Believed to be formed in the outer solar system, a minor fraction of these faint objects can be found in the near-Earth region. Some were suspected to be extinct comets disguised as asteroids. If D-type near-Earth asteroids could represent extinct comets, they would offer us a unique opportunity to investigate the relationship between two classes of minor bodies in our solar system. To provide new insights into D-type asteroids’ composition and dynamical evolution and the possible relation with comets, we introduce the mission concept CARINA (Comet Asteroid Relation INvestigation and Analysis). CARINA will visit and collect a sample from the asteroid 2002 AT4 and address key scientific questions related to our understanding of the early solar system evolution, and the origins of water and life on the early Earth. This paper outlines the scientific motivation and the means for the sample return. The spacecraft is equipped with a sampling ring to perform in-situ analysis and to collect, in a “touch and go” manner, samples from the surface and subsurface of the asteroid. A capsule is expected to return the samples to Earth in pristine conditions for detailed and extended analysis. These would represent a rare contribution to our meteorite collection since it would be the first time that material from a D class asteroid would be collected.

Spanish layman's summary:

CARINA presenta una misión de recuperación de muestras para estudiar asteroides de tipo D, conocidos por su composición primitiva. El objetivo particular es alcanzar el asteroide cercano a la Tierra de tipo D “2002 AT4”, incorporando su material a la colección mundial de meteoritos. El análisis de esta muestra arrojará luz sobre cuestiones relativas a los inicios del sistema solar, los orígenes de la vida y la relación entre cometas y asteroides. El aparato incorpora soluciones avanzadas de ingeniería, incluido un anillo de muestreo para la recogida segura de muestras mediante un procedimiento de “contacto y alejamiento”. En este artículo se describen la motivación científica, los objetivos de la misión y el diseño de ingeniería de CARINA, haciendo hincapié en el potencial científico de los asteroides de tipo D.

English layman's summary:

CARINA presents a sample-return mission to explore D-type asteroids, known for their primitive composition. The mission aims to collect a sample from the D-type near-Earth asteroid “2002 AT4”, contributing valuable material to the terrestrial collection of meteorites. By analyzing this sample, CARINA seeks to shed light on questions about the early solar system, the origins of life, and the relationship between comets and asteroids. The spacecraft incorporates advanced engineering solutions, including a sampling ring for secure extraterrestrial surface and subsurface sample collection in a “touch and go” manner. This paper outlines CARINA’s scientific motivation, mission objectives, and engineering design, emphasizing the potential for valuable insights into the history and composition of D-type asteroids.

Keywords: D-type asteroids; Comets; Near-earth objects; Sample return; Asteroid–comet continuum; Solar system evolution; Astrobiology

JCR Impact Factor and WoS quartile: 3,500 - Q1 (2022)

DOI reference: DOI icon https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actaastro.2023.07.035

Published on paper: November 2023.

Published on-line: August 2023.

T.M. Ribeiro, A. D’Ambrosio, G.J. Domínguez Calabuig, D. Athanasopoulos, H. Bates, C. Riegler, O. Gassot, S.B. Gerig, J.L. Gómez, N. Huber, R. Seton, T.E.C. Magalhães, CARINA: a near-Earth D-type asteroid sample return mission. Acta Astronautica. Vol. 212, pp. 213 - 225, November 2023. [Online: August 2023]